
This page will provide a quick overview of the bulkvis features and how to use them.

Start bulkvis

From the directory containing bulkvis, run:

bokeh serve --show bulkvis

This will start the bulkvis app and open the page in your default web browser. The page should look like this:

Screenshot of bulkvis showing a blank screen with a drop-down box in the top left corner

Screenshot of bulkvis on initial load

Selecting a bulk-fast5-file

Use the drop-down to select a bulk-fast5-file from your supplied directory. Once the file is loaded the position can be entered.

Screenshot of bulkvis showing, in the top left corner, a drop-down box with a file selected and a text box labeled position

Screenshot of bulkvis waiting for position information

Selecting a position

The position can be selected by either supplying coordinates or a fastq read header. The contents of this input is submitted by clicking away from the text box or by pressing return/enter. If bulkvis cannot parse the input the text box will turn red until valid input is detected.

After a position is entered bulkvis will completely load and the chart will be visible.

Using coordinates

Coordinates refer to the channel, start time and end time. This is given in the format channel:start-end. For example to navigate to channel 42 and see the squiggle from 30 seconds to 90 seconds:


Using a fastq read header

Alternatively, the position can be given as a fastq read header that is from the run associated with this bulk-fast5-file. This can be copied and pasted into the text-box e.g:

@b45a4b09-6f22-40f6-afd9-aa7fca8e89f3 runid=f9291b45b0c66faa77755e51738d193fcfafffc7 read=234 ch=391 start_time=2018-01-18T21:59:40Z

After entering valid input the chart and other elements will load:

Screenshot of bulkvis showing a 'squiggle' plot of raw nanopore signal and a left-hand sidebar containing information about the plot

Screenshot of bulkvis fully loaded with both plot and sidebar

Bulkfile information

The bulkfile information panel showcases information that is present in the bulk-fast5-file that is not necessarily displayed in MinKNOW.

Screenshot of the sidebar from bulkvis, showing the file selections drop-down, position input, jump-to buttons, export button, information panel, and two hidden sections ('Select annotations' and 'Plot adjustments')

Screenshot of bulkvis sidebar


Annotations are added to the plot based on state data and intermediate data from the bulkfile. These represent the label computed by MinKNOW at specific time points in the experiment.

Selecting a checkbox will allow that specific label to be rendered on the plot. The ‘Display annotations’ or ‘Display mappings’ button will toggle these annotations on/off. The ‘Select all’ button will turn all annotations on, while the ‘Select none’ button will de-select all the annotations.

Screenshot of 'Select annotations' section of sidebar showing buttons labeled 'Display annotations', 'Display mappings', 'Select all', 'Select none' and a list of checkboxes

Screenshot of the annotation selection panel

Plot adjustments

The plot adjustments are infrequently used options that are for tweaking the appearance of the plot without having to modify the configuration file. Here the width and height of the plot can be set to match the current screen, the height that annotations are rendered at can be adjusted, and the Y-axis can be fixed to a given range.

Plot smoothing is on by default, as raw signal data can quickly become massive, this reduces the number of points plot but maintains the shape of the data. Smoothing will automatically turn on whenever the position is changed.

Screenshot of 'Plot adjustments' section of the sidebar showing inputs for width, height, annotation height, y max, and y min as well as buttons for 'Fixed Y-axis' and 'Smoothing'

Screenshot of the plot adjustments panel

Exporting images

bulkvis is able to export images of plots as below, this is done using the save function (save_icon) which will either download the current plot view as bokeh_plot.png or, in safari, open the image in a new tab where it can be saved by right clicking and selecting save.

Example plot of raw signal data from an Oxford Nanopore bulk-fast5-file

Example plot from bulkvis

Exporting read files

bulkvis is able to export arbitrary read files from bulk-fast5-files. The data range is determined by the current position as set in the text input. When a read file is generated it is written to the folder set in the configuration file.

Screenshot of bulkvis sidebar showing position, duration, 'read file created', jump buttons and export button

Screenshot of export button and success message (below ‘duration’)